2021 Proposed Operating & Capital Budget, 2022-2024 Proposed Operating Financial Forecast, and 2022-2026 Proposed Capital Financial Forecast
Proposed Motion
1. That Council fund Engineering on Range Road 10 reconstruction (Road to Pine Sands subdivision) project for $150,000, Intersection Improvement Program project for $83,000, and the Fleet Yard Coverall Building project for $88,000 with funding to come from Significant Tax Revenue Growth, Priority 2/3, Infrastructure New and Rehabilitation.
2. That Council approve the 2021 Operating and Capital Budget as amended by motions passed on November 27, 2020 and represented by a 0% tax rate increase with $8,932,886 Significant Tax Revenue Growth allocated to the policy priority reserves for Council consideration in early 2021.
3. That Council approve in principle the 2022-2024 Operating Financial Forecast and the 2022-2026 Capital Financial Forecast as presented in the 2021 Operating and Capital Budget document and amended by motions passed on November 27, 2020.